What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Our friendliest is a Dominique hen- - DumbDumb. She is blind in one eye, has a miscontorted comb, and walks with a limp. She was among our first crew of chicks and contracted a severe case of "Chicken Pocks" I'll have to get a pic posted :eek:)
My absolute friendliest bird is a silkie cochin cross, he follows me around like a dog and loves to snuggle and have his back rubbed. But some other really friendly breeds I have are brahmas and cochins.
i like silver laced wyandottes and ester eggers best.
My broody hen Stella is my friendliest she loves to get her head scratched. Julia my frizzle is the girl with the most personality. They are both Cochin Bantams. Stella is my avatar. Stella is currently sitting on eggs that should hatch October 10 and Julia is mothering 3 chicks that are 3 weeks old.
White Leghorn by far. Whenever I step out of that house she is right there. Never leaves my side. So cute! She loves me a lot and I love her back lol thanks for the eggs
My friendliest by far is my Dominique hen, Doodle, 2nd runner up a Speckled Sussex hen, Hattiecall. My big bad roo, Cosmo (Golden Comet) is still my sweetest rooster when he isn't acting all macho.
Mine would have to be my Frizzle Cochin Bantam pullet. She loves to be picked up/held, and at the fair, I had her out and little kids we're petting her and she didn't mind at all.

By Far Rosey. She's a Rhode Island Red. Let us pick her up from the start, loves to be carried and cradled by the kids. She was always the speediest in earthworm chase as a chick. The most saavy and willing to try things. As she got older she seemed to be low-girl on the pecking order. Which honestly surprised me for as quick and smart as she was. And now that she's laying eggs. If we stick our hand in the nest box she pecks us a bit....Protective about the eggs. She is I guess always full of surprises. But she loves us up 99.9% of the time and the hand pecking only adds to her charm. Gosh we love her sooo much.


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