What is your LEAST favorite breed? (CLOSED, see the List!)

I have never owned a Wyandotte that I liked. I have only seen mean, nasty, bossy little things. I just got my 'Heavy Assortment' order and I think I have 4 or 5 wyandottes!!
My SLWs are turning out to be my least favorite. I have 2 and one is a roo and at 6 weeks he's already a tyrant. The pullet has no personality at all and very skittish. Love the feathers though.
Whats wrong with showgirls and turkens.
My least favorite chickens are the TALL game breeds. I don't like any bantam that has a standard counterpart. They are wierd, why do you need a bantam if you have a standard. I like ALL true bantams.
I agree completely.. I don't like the tall ones.. And i like the true bantams very much.. But my least favorite breeds are the following:

Rhode Island Reds(My grandpa had some, they were soo dull-colored and boring)(and mean to me)
and.. i actually can't think of another, i love most chickens
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