What killed my duck? (Warning: GRAPHIC pic)


In the Brooder
May 1, 2018

No tracks in the snow
Nothing dug in
This happened when darkness was just beginning to fall
The kill happened in the duck run and was (relatively) clean

We're keeping the ducks in the pen 24/7 until we take measures to prevent this happening again. I got poultry netting to put on top of the run and plan to hang pie tins from it to dissuade avian attacks, which I believe this was.

I'm in WNY.
Looks like a hawk or owl to me. I’ve lost birds to hawks before they suck! :barnieOur hawk that we dubbed “HAWKMAN” that lives around our house is seriously the biggest hawk I’ve EVER seen and I see lots of hawks. Sometimes you think of hawks as smaller birds of pray but HAWKMAN is a fricking pterodactyl! :th
It’s gigantic and I’ve seen it swoop down and eat some of our giant barn cats and coons. With that monster aroujf I don’t let my ducks free range unless I’m watching them very closely. The chickens have netting and have been safe from HAWKMAN ever since we put the netting up.

Sorry for your loss :hugs
Looks like a hawk or owl to me. I’ve lost birds to hawks before they suck! :barnieOur hawk that we dubbed “HAWKMAN” that lives around our house is seriously the biggest hawk I’ve EVER seen and I see lots of hawks. Sometimes you think of hawks as smaller birds of pray but HAWKMAN is a fricking pterodactyl! :th
It’s gigantic and I’ve seen it swoop down and eat some of our giant barn cats and coons. With that monster aroujf I don’t let my ducks free range unless I’m watching them very closely. The chickens have netting and have been safe from HAWKMAN ever since we put the netting up.

Sorry for your loss :hugs
How soft is there netting cause depending on how soft it is a hawk or eagle could bust through so you should cover it up with tough wire
We are putting up poultry netting as a deterrent. We plan to hang pie tins from it. Can Hawks tell if netting is burstable or not? This stuff would definitely break if they tried it.

We have some deer fencing we can move to the top too (we're getting hardware cloth tomorrow to wrap the run).

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