What killed this chick? *Graphic pictures*

ahem... I apologize for the other post.... David honest I love animals. and I am sorry if I hurt your feels...
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Without a description of your coop/fencing, or time of day when it might have occurred, I'm going to default to the usual suspect, i.e., raccoon.

Will probably be back for more, so look to defenses.
Without a description of your coop/fencing, or time of day when it might have occurred, I'm going to default to the usual suspect, i.e., raccoon.

Will probably be back for more, so look to defenses.

Thank you!

I forgot to close them last night, but the chick was housed with it's mother and eleven other chicks, 3 ducks, and 18 adults.

I have a small live trap. Would that work? Also, what bait should I use?
Without a description of your coop/fencing, or time of day when it might have occurred, I'm going to default to the usual suspect, i.e., raccoon.

Will probably be back for more, so look to defenses.

Thank you!

I forgot to close them last night, but the chick was housed with it's mother and eleven other chicks, 3 ducks, and 18 adults.

I have a small live trap. Would that work? Also, what bait should I use?

Start with marshmallows (or a nearly empty tuna can). As all those chooks were available for munching and only one was removed, could be an opossum as well (coons usually kill and rip apart anything and everything available).

Best of luck!
I am so sorry for your loss. This is only our second flock, so I honestly don't know what could have caused such horrific damage. At least a weasel isn't quite as brutal. Since I'm new, I don't have a clue what your situation is, but as of this morning we purchased a night camera (should be here by Tuesday...no sleep until then). For the last three nights something has climbed on top of one enclosure and this morning it was completely caved in. Thank goodness all the birds were inside the coop. This year I'll stop at nothing to protect them. The camera was less than $100. Once it's up and running, if you're interested, I'll give you an update of what we capture on film. In the meantime, I hope you don't suffer another loss!
I am so sorry for your loss. This is only our second flock, so I honestly don't know what could have caused such horrific damage. At least a weasel isn't quite as brutal. Since I'm new, I don't have a clue what your situation is, but as of this morning we purchased a night camera (should be here by Tuesday...no sleep until then). For the last three nights something has climbed on top of one enclosure and this morning it was completely caved in. Thank goodness all the birds were inside the coop. This year I'll stop at nothing to protect them. The camera was less than $100. Once it's up and running, if you're interested, I'll give you an update of what we capture on film. In the meantime, I hope you don't suffer another loss!
Please do update!

I have the trap set up with some marshmallow creme where the dead chick was found.
I also plan on sitting out there with my bat tonight. Wish me luck!

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