What kind of Ameraucana do I have?

Got them from McMurrays who have certified Ameraucanas so I feel pretty confident of their breed.

"Certified Ameraucanas"-- is it on the McMurray website somewhere? Or in the paper catalog? I wanted to read what they had to say about it, but I'm having trouble finding it.

I can find articles from 2021 about McMurray getting 5 breeds certified by the American Poultry Association, but I can't seem to find anything more recent.

On this page, I can select various filters, including "APA certified" (hiding under "attributes.")
When I do that, the only breeds that appear are the 5 that were certified in 2021 (White Langshan, White Polish, Partridge Plymouth Rock, Buff Plymouth Rock, and Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock.)

So if McMurray has APA certfication for any Ameraucana flock, they are certainly hiding the information where I cannot find it, when I would have expected them to be bragging about it.

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