What kind of bantam is this?


7 Years
May 8, 2017
Chicken coop
A couple weeks ago,I got 3 ''Assorted bantams''. I think one of them is a game bantam.But what kind? And I think one of them is a Cochin bantam. But I don't know what the other one is. Also,any idea if they are pullets or cockerels?
I am going to mess up spelling but middle one looks like a mille fleur d'uccle rooster. Does the top one have feathered feet ? Cochind do and I wonder if it might be the same but a girl. Just a guess
#1 does it have feathered feet?
#2 Same question :), its stance though looks more along the lines of a Japanese bantam
#3 This one looks like an Old English Game, I think the coloring is Silver Duckwing
I do think it could be a mille fluer d'uccle! I've been wanting one! I think it might be a hen! Number 1 has feathered feet,2 has feathered feet,but #3 does not. Silver Duckwing is a very pretty chicken,too!

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