What kind of breed does Ideal send for packing??Pic


11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Astatula Florida
The chicks that Ideal sends with your order roosters for packing what are they..sure they are all different but mine were a tan color and got brown feathers coming out on them anyone got any idea the breed?? I don't have a picture but if need one to tell me will take one tomorrow and put on..

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I got SLW roos as peanuts in my order from Ideal. I asked them and they said they try to make the peanuts all the same breed
I called Ideal after I received my order. They said they are either Rhode Island Red or Production Red They are a light brown

Hope this helps.

Mine look different than my RIR did when got..now that got picture can anyone tell..spell it out some of the Initials for kinds don't know as still don't don't know all kinds there are..

Thanks everyone and hope the pic helps answer question for me..
I guess it has been a while since hatched my RIR in November that I had forgot what they looked like..I like the RIR so happy about that..but already got my two roosters saved back to fertilize the hens so guess they will be Sunday Dinner sometime..Thanks all..

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