what kind of chick is this???

rudays chickens

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
Okay I know it is kind of hard to determine what kind of chick this is cause she is still so young but see I got these locally the other day and they just seem so much different from my other chickens the body stucture I mean they are beefer and have much bigger butts and taller but they are kind of a yellow tint to there baby fur but the feathers are coming in white and there feathers are alot shorter than everybody else.
any suggestion would be helpful

I got them at the local farm store
I got three different kinds
I got rhode islands, reds production reds, and new hamshires
but I thought none of those would have white feathers though but I could be wrong ???
PouletsDeCajun is right. The first one is a meat bird. The second on is hard to tell. Need a side pic of it for a better look. How many do you have? The meat birds will be ready to butcher in 6- 8 wks, depending on how much you feed them.
Oh and by the way,
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really ugg I cant eat my chickens
I know its the way of life but chickens are just lay eggers to me I thought there was something different about them. so they sold me the wrong thing then
Yes. Unfortunately some feed store employees have no idea what they're talking about breedwise.
You might want to try taking the chick back and trading it for a non-broiler.

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