What kind of chick is this?


Apr 20, 2023
I bought my chicks from a hatchery in Ohio - they came and are just beautiful - except they gave me an extra chicken that doesn't look like any of the others.
Can anyone tell me what they think it is? I thought may be a wyandotte?
Thank you!

So I ordered 3 Americana's - which are also known as Easter Eggers? Correct? the other three look distinctly different from this one- but still all beautiful - so basically I have 4 Easter Eggers
Yes, Americanas are EEs. Ameraucanas, on the other hand, are not Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas are a pure breed. It all depends on how you spell it and if the chicken fits the breed of Ameraucanas. There are a couple of articles on here that I can post the link to if you would like to learn more about it. ;)

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