What kind of chicken is this, laying eggs in my yard? UPDATE!


12 Years
Nov 7, 2007
yo. ohio
My Dog Roxy found this snapper in the middle of laying her eggs, how exciting,we hope we get to see the hatchlings!
How cool is that! Anyone ever see this and if so what did you do? We have some crates over the nest so no predators can get them! (We hope anyway)

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I have a neighbor who has sulcatas. Once a year there are signs all over the neighborhood to watch out for "little moving rocks" and please avoid them. Plus her address so that folks can return the wandering babies.
From Wikipedia ~

After digging a hole, the female typically deposits 25 to 80 eggs each year, guiding them into the nest with her hind feet and covering them with sand for incubation and protection. Incubation time is temperature-dependent, ranging from 9 to 18 weeks. In cooler climates, hatchlings overwinter in the nest.

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