What kind of container do you use for grit?

I use vinegar jugs or milk jugs, repurposed instead of trash. Cheap, easily replaceable, no fuss. I just use cable ties to hook to wire or post, whatever is where you want to hang it. I use them for both grit and oyster shell. Cut a hole/window in the side, done.
Just a quick question; do you guys give only grit and oyster shells or do you give anything else.
A fresh feed 18/20% Protein and Plain water 24/7.
For treats I give Scratch Grains that I add a Cardinal mix to.
In winter I give Alfalfa hay for greens.
I let my hens free range an hour before sunset daily, weather permitting.
Yesterday I let my 10 months old pullets out of their pen for 20 minutes of supervised grazing for the first time.
That's it. I keep Nutri-Drench on hand for sick or impacted crop and for day old chicks for the first 10 days. I also use Medicated feed for the first 10 weeks.
That's it as far as nutrition. I've never added ACV or Electrolytes to their water.
During a heatwave I will make them a very wet mash with their feed and refrigerated water. GC

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