What kind of dog do you have?

Flash and Doodle, surrounding our neighbor's teen who likes to come over to play with them. Flash is sporting his Holland Happenings outfit, decorated by the local high school's cheerleaders.


Bassets are supposed to be hunting dogs, mine are idiots with not a single ounce of predatory drive. Thankfully, as we have chickens, ducks and rabbits. All of which Flash has brooded and groomed.
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We have one dog, Archibold Major or "Archie" for short. He was a rescue. LOVES the chickens and would do major damage to them so he is not allowed near.....so....he chews on large sticks instead





This little munchkin is Jazmine, aka Jaz or Jazzy! She's a pug/chihuahua mix, she may be a mutt...but she's the best of both breeds! We love her so much! She's a spaz...doesn't matter where we are in the house, if she hears a knock she'll run to the front door and bark. We can be down stairs and she can clearly see us knock on the wall and she'll bark! LOL...One minute she's running laps around the couch and the next cuddling with you in the bed, under the covers!
Well, I have 2. One is a GSP/Lab mix, she just turned 2. The other is a rescue of unknown breed, he turned 2 in december. I have been looking for good photos of them, but they are always moving and the pics are lame. Both are certified chicken killers. I promise I'll post photos as soon as I have any worth sharing!
We have 3 American Pit Bull Terriers, but one is currently in Texas with one of my husband's buddies until July. Here are some photos of our other two:



I have a Blue heeler/Australian Shepard mix named Pellet. He doesn't even seem to notice the chickens unless I try to catch one. I think he mistakes them flapping their wings and squawking for them hurting me.

He is a really good dog and lets my step daughter do what she wants which includes kisses, hugs, pulling ears, stepping on feet and lots of other things!!!! lol

We have 5, 4 Jack Russell Terriers (Lucy, Comet, Erin and Lucky) and a Giant Schnauzer (Gordy)

Here is 4 of the 5 taking over our bed:


This is Comet, Lucy and Erin with Gordy taking up most of the bed.

Here is Erin and her Brother Lucky, they are out of the same litter (Comet is their half brother from a previous litter) Lucy is their Great Grandmother.


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