What kind of duck is this?


Apr 15, 2019
He showed up out of nowhere today and all the Muscovys seem kind of wary of him lol. I think it's a gorgeous duck, but the others are keeping their distance. Is it a Muscovy too?!

Despite the name, egyptian geese are ducks. Duck phylogeny is still being debated, but current thinking is that egyptian geese and muscovy ducks are more related to each other than they are to mallards. This means that you could probably cross it with your muscovies, the hybrid might be sterile but the drakes might be fertile.

Since he isn't native, I don't think that you would get in trouble for adding him to your flock, unless his owner shows up. I would definitely make the attempt to breed them together, you might be able to add a new color to muscovy ducks.
Despite the name, egyptian geese are ducks. Duck phylogeny is still being debated, but current thinking is that egyptian geese and muscovy ducks are more related to each other than they are to mallards. This means that you could probably cross it with your muscovies, the hybrid might be sterile but the drakes might be fertile.

Since he isn't native, I don't think that you would get in trouble for adding him to your flock, unless his owner shows up. I would definitely make the attempt to breed them together, you might be able to add a new color to muscovy ducks.
Thanks for the info on them. They're all wild Muscovys outside my patio and pretty much live around the lake here. So I don't own or breed them, but it would certainly be interesting if this one got together with one of the regulars.
He really is an "odd duck" around the rest of them. Hopefully he sticks around and the Muscovys let him into their fold. As of now, he lowers his head at all the Muscovys and chases them away and they're scared of him.

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