What kind of duck is this?


Mar 26, 2015
We found a duck at the beach, who was weak and cold so we took it back home with us. It is now starting to get better, but exactly what kind of duck is it we have found? Any help much appreciated :)
It is all black, feet, beak and body, with a partly grey head. It is about 30-35 cm from tail to head.
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We found a duck at the beach, who was weak and cold so we took it back home with us. It is now starting to get better, but exactly what kind of duck is it we have found? Any help much appreciated :)
It is all black, feet, beak and body, with a partly grey head. It is about 30-35 cm from tail to head.
Not sure but dif wild, I'd contact a water fowl rescue or rehabber, wild ducks need different nourishment than domestic and someone experienced should be able to help it get back to the wild better. Bless you for taking it in and helping it.
looks like a really dark wigeon just from looking at the head part

but also it looks like a diving type duck ( so not related to mallard and doesnt dabbel as much as it dives for food )
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We found a duck at the beach, who was weak and cold so we took it back home with us. It is now starting to get better, but exactly what kind of duck is it we have found? Any help much appreciated :)
It is all black, feet, beak and body, with a partly grey head. It is about 30-35 cm from tail to head.
what contienent are u on that could help
ohh then i live in the usa similar ducks are in both areas but also i think some different ones you miight want to go to where am i ? Where are u threads and see if anybody near your area knows what kind of duck it is.
It's a Common Scoter if you're in Denmark. Definitely something for a specialist to treat if it's not dead already

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