What kind of duckling is this?

Help me PLEASE!!!!

Two day old (I'm guessing) ducklings were rescued from next to a busy road today by a couple of well meaning kids who took them to their teacher.... Who called... That's right ME!!!
I'm a chicken person. Not a duck owner. I've already got some chick starter for my new chicks outside and know the ducklings can eat it to so I'm good there. That's where my knowledge ends. Should I put up a chick waterer or just an open bowl? What temp should the brooder be! Same as chicks? Will my new momma hen who hatched babies last week foster them? Please help.
Help me PLEASE!!!!

Two day old (I'm guessing) ducklings were rescued from next to a busy road today by a couple of well meaning kids who took them to their teacher.... Who called... That's right ME!!!
I'm a chicken person. Not a duck owner. I've already got some chick starter for my new chicks outside and know the ducklings can eat it to so I'm good there. That's where my knowledge ends. Should I put up a chick waterer or just an open bowl? What temp should the brooder be! Same as chicks? Will my new momma hen who hatched babies last week foster them? Please help.
Your mama hen will not accept these babies, since they are wild you might try calling a wild life rehabber in your area.

chick starter will be fine for the ducklings and brooder temp is very similar to chicks.

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If you can get a better pic of their faces you may want to post on this thread and someone can tell you what breed and how best to care for them.

Thanks. I've been looking at all kinds of pictures in the last hour and I think they are wood ducklings. I've finally got them drinking water from the waterer. Still iffy on the feeder. One is very active and runs around if I come into the room while the other slightly bigger one is so mellow that I am a little worried.
That looks like a wood duckling. You might want to try live food, like small mealworms, at first to get them to eat. They might not take to eating the chick starter right away. I've also heard that putting other types of food in the water and dropping small drops in the water to make it "move" can also stimulate them to eat.
Just lost the one that was all mellow. He started trashing around and flipping over until I picked him up and petted him until he breathed his last.
Yes I'm sad but if he was sick or hurt I'm glad I was there to hold him in his last moments. I'll hold a little funeral for him in the morning before my son gets up and after my daughter goes to school. They know he's gone and I explained it's part of life. That sometimes things die to keep them from hurting and my daughter asked if he's in heaven with Jesus right now. I smiled and said yes. He's swimming with his family.
Just lost the one that was all mellow. He started trashing around and flipping over until I picked him up and petted him until he breathed his last.
Yes I'm sad but if he was sick or hurt I'm glad I was there to hold him in his last moments. I'll hold a little funeral for him in the morning before my son gets up and after my daughter goes to school. They know he's gone and I explained it's part of life. That sometimes things die to keep them from hurting and my daughter asked if he's in heaven with Jesus right now. I smiled and said yes. He's swimming with his family.
I'm so sorry but what a sweet way to explain it to your children.. I hope the other one makes it. desertdarlene is very knowledgeable about wild ducks I go by her recc.
Thanks. It turns out that it is a wood duck chick and they are a protected species. I contacted a local wildlife rehab center and they were glad to take it. We even found out that they are open to the public for walking tours and picnics so I'll bring my kids back.

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