What kind of ducks are they?

My guess - and I am not great at this - Swedish and Fawn and White Runner.

I agree about the first ones- Blue Swedish-and will show as Blue and Black. Mine looked like that...Now they're big girls and boys...
The darker ones necks are so thin compared to the yellow one in the one photo?

The dark almost looks like a runner for that reason? If the yellow is so much larger (as it appears to be) I'd have to guess it was a Pekin in that case.

Our runners had somewhat noticeably thinner and longer necks as babies, and the black Swedish (we are guessing, that's what they look like) were yellow with heavy dark markings. Both breeds were about the same size as babies. If the yellow is the same age and larger, my GUESS would be Pekin.

I'm surely no expert though. Just hoping to toss something in to help.


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