What kind of ducks did i just buy


5 Years
Dec 23, 2014
I could help myself… Picked up these three little ducks.Can anyone tell me what kind they are and when and how you can tell boys from girls?


your drinking waterer is a good size for them but you are going to need a different source water as well like a pot of water that they can get into. they are very dirty and they are dirtier without their water bowl/pot/pool.
your drinking waterer is a good size for them but you are going to need a different source water as well like a pot of water that they can get into. they are very dirty and they are dirtier without their water bowl/pot/pool.

Not when they're that tiny. They only need a water dish deep enough to submerge their bills in, at this stage you actually don't want them to be able to dunk themselves in it. They could get hypothermic, they could poop in it and then get an e.coli respiratory infection, it's just no bueno. At least for the first couple weeks.
your drinking waterer is a good size for them but you are going to need a different source water as well like a pot of water that they can get into. they are very dirty and they are dirtier without their water bowl/pot/pool.
I think this is good advice for when they are fully feathered - something to keep in mind as they develop. It is good to have a head washer - I believe the directions on how to make a head washer are in the Raising Ducklings sticky.
Not when they're that tiny. They only need a water dish deep enough to submerge their bills in, at this stage you actually don't want them to be able to dunk themselves in it. They could get hypothermic, they could poop in it and then get an e.coli respiratory infection, it's just no bueno. At least for the first couple weeks.
my ducks that I've had threw all of there water out of there waterer every day because they kept on getting in it, ( they were 3 weeks ). i gave them i big dish of water and they got in it all of the time and their waterer was still full for days.

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