What kind of egg is this?????

Are they flat, segmented, almost like a piece of flat macaroni? If so, you're dealing with tapeworms. I recommend that you use valbazen, because you're seeing all types of worms. Valbazen (albendazole) kills all known worms that chickens can get. It is a cattle/sheep wormer and can be purchased at Jefferslivestock.com or call them.
Dosage is given orally 1/2cc for standard size, 1/4cc for smaller chickens. Redose again 10 days later. The withdrawal period is the same as the safeguard.
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They were flat tiny rectangles. I couldn't really tell if they were segmented because one of my chickens kept running up to try to eat them so I squished the worms.
I will go on poop patrol and I will see if I can get a closer look and maybe even get a pic.

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