What kind of light fixture?


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Apr 3, 2011
southern Ohio
I want to put a light on a timer in my coop to provide 12-14 hours of light for this winter. My coop is an old dark barn with a window on 1 end and a door on the other. Presently I have an overhead light fixture in the middle and 2 plug ins by the door. What kind of light fixture do you use, a shoplight or a brooder type light, so that it can be on a timer?
My Xmas lights are on a timer - but it plugs into the electrical outlet. Works great! I generally set for dawn / dusk.

I also have low energy bulbs in my home and have seen a radical decline in my electric bill. Consider low energy options - whatever type of light you choose.
Low wattage Fluorescent is a good choice. I used a double 2 foot one because it was on hand.
I just had an electrician wire for an overhead simple light fixture and put a plug in the wall at the door. I'm not good at re-wiring for a fluorescent fixture, but I was hoping people would just describe the type of light they have on timers.

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