What kind of predator do you think did this?

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
A new entry for my "Now I've Seen Everything" file: some animal(s) got into all 3 tanks of feeder mice I raise in my pole barn and killed them ALL! What would do this?

There were 3 aquariums set side-by-side with mesh covers on them. It was not necessary to latch the covers down because they kept the mice confined without latching. On top of one of the tanks I kept a metal tin with their food in it. I had recently filled it with a mixture of lab block and cheap dry cat food. It had never before been disturbed, but 2 days ago I found the lid off & some of the food eaten. I didn't know if I had forgotten to close the tin or if some animal had managed to open it.

That night I made sure the tin was closed and up-ended a heavy feed bucket over it. The next day the bucket had been pushed off the tank and the tin spilled open on the floor. I cleaned it up and put the tin inside the metal garbage can I keep the chicken feed in. At this time I was suspecting squirrels.

There was another incident which I now wonder if it is related: three or four nights ago one of our older hens didn't return to the coop at sundown. My kids noticed this fact but didn't let me know. When they told me a couple of nights later I immediately went looking for her by flashlight. I found her standing on a log at the edge of the yard. My relief at finding her turned to horror when, zombie-like, she lifted what was left of her head from under her wing. Something had chewed off the top of her head and part of her beak! I don't know how she managed to remain living after that. I suspected an opossum, because they will grab heads. If it had been a raccoon it would have killed & eaten more of her.

This afternoon I went out back to get some mice to feed the snakes. I found that all the mesh covers had been knocked off the tanks. There was at least one torn mouse on the table. But the strangest thing is that there are many mice dead on the bottom of each tank! Some seem to have their heads torn off. It is a smelly, fly-infested mess that I didn't want to examine too closely. What kind of animal would do this? It must have been able to work quickly, to kill so many mice before they escaped out of the opened tank.

Now I'm off to clean up the area and set the live traps. Have you ever encountered anything like this? What kind of animal do you think it is?
Could it have been a cat or something similar? I'm so sorry this has happened.
A cat is one of my prime suspects, because it was first going after the tin of mouse feed that had dry cat food in it. In fact, it seemed that the cat food was eaten up more than the lab block, these chunks of pressed foodstuff that must be mostly grain that is fed to lab animals. I mix cat food in with the lab block for economy, to make the lab block go further.

I've set traps with things to attract a variety of predators. Canned cat food, whole eggs, Little Debby packaged cakes, and a decapitated mouse. I couldn't find my bag of catnip, I'll buy some tomorrow & add it tomorrow night.

Wish me success in this hunt!
possums feed on mice and rats and rats will kill mice as they do not get along at all.

Rats have also been known to gnaw on roosting chickens
I did catch a raccoon overnight, so maybe he was the culprit after all. A 'coon with a particular craving for cat food, which it sensed inside the tin. What is odd is that I've kept dry cat food in that tin before, and have kept mice in these accommodations for several years, and never had this kind of trouble before. Oh well, you live & you learn & often have to learn the hard way.

I still don't think it was a raccoon that chewed up the hen, a 'coon would have killed her outright and eaten some of her. I still suspect a 'possum did that. I'm going to keep the traps baited & set for a while, no doubt there are others.

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