What kind of predator would come out during the day(besides hawks)?

Red Fox hunt during the day time. The males hunt to feed the pups,& female. I had one grab my broody porcelain oeg 3 days ago. She was out stretching her legs. I was rite in the back yard, working on the duck pen. To my amazement she showed up last night,as I was locking up the coop. She had muddy paw prints on her back & tail. I imagine she laid quiet in the foxes mouth. So the todd fox took her back so the kits could learn to kill chickens. She must of out smarted the fox
She went rite in & started searching for her eggs. They were hatching in the bator hatching. Other than being hungry & thirsty,she looks pretty good.
We've had foxes, Hawks, Bald Eagles during the day. We've even had Barn Owls out until 11 a.m. We're also starting to hear about coyotes making a come back here. They died out due to a bad case of mange.


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