What kind of skull is this?


12 Years
Aug 7, 2011
Cameron, NC
My Coop
My Coop
Could this skull go with the possum fur that my puppies brought up the other day?
I looked out on the front pourch and they had a big piece of old dry hide and this skull. Can you tell what it came from?
The only this is this hide and skull looks like it has been dead for a while, but that chunk of fur they brought up still had pink fresh meat on it...

Here you can see how small it is...and this cat is not big at all, he is not even a year old.

Not an opossum skull ~ they have a longer more narrow snout with lots of teeth.

Actually it looks more like a domestic cat skull with the lower part of the eye sockets missing possibly due to expose to the elements.
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I just thought about this... Could it be a cat's skull??? We have always had lots of cats. (right now we have 9) They are all just outside barn cats.. and when they die they will usually just go off somewhere.
I was looking at the front of it, at it's teeth and nose and that is what it looks like. What do you think?
That is a cat skull, I have a couple. Coon and oppossum skulls have longer snouts and the two are kind of hard to tell apart, but a cat skull is definitely easy to tell apart from those.
Looks a lot like a cat, with the teeth. Your cat seems to notice

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