What kind of starter feed do you use?

stop at Oxford Feed and Grain, get a chick waterer and chick feeder, and a bag of Purina Chick starter, you can also get these at TSC, but they dont always have chick starter, and Oxford has PREATTY colors for the feeders, and TSC only has red or galvinized.
I use chick crumbs .... the basic difference between them and Layers is the very high protien levels, and less calcium.

Many brands are also medicated to help prevent coccidiosis. Some breeders prefer un-medicated.
NatureWise Chick Starter/Grower (310173)-
This feed is designed to be fed as the sole ration to replacement pullets from 1 day and broiler-type chicks.
Features include: balanced energy, protein and amino acid levels to help promote early rapid growth; fortified with vitamins and minerals to help maintain flock growth and healthy development.

Nutrina NatureWise has different chicken feeds, http://www.nutrenaworld.com/Screens/ProductDetails_Specialty.aspx?ProductID=125
I use it, some prefer not to.

Round here just getting unmedicated is hard.

If the chicks are to go into any area previously used for poultry I would use it. If not it's less of an issue

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