What kind of tomatoes will you be planting this spring?

This year I have started Cream Sausage, Principle Borghese, Great white, Thessaloniki, Ace, Red currant, Black Krim, Purple Cherokee, and roma. Out of all of them I am only going to keep some of the cream sausage, principle borghese, and black krim, I enjoy starting them though so I start them for my friends and neighbors and do what they want.
We are in the process to buy a house. So I need to see what my local greenhouse offer
I am planting Brandy wine, roma, red cherry, big boy and beefsteak. Hopefully I'll be able to find enough room for or rehome them all as I got a larger yield of seedlings than I expected
Sweet 100's, husky cherry reds, yellow pear, roma, Better Boy, and several varieties of heirlooms. The cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen now, had the first one a few days ago! Planting basil all around them really does wonders for the flavor;)
One Brandywine, one Roma, eight Better Boys, one volunteer tomato. I figure the volunteer is what my dad called a nonsense tomato.

We had a terrible year for tomatoes last year, the plants are looking good so far so I have my fingers crossed to have enough to can.
Early girl, yellow pear, and roma. Also a beefsteak kind- I forgot the name. I have them in the ground in my greenhouse (which is really a dog kennel covered with an $80 greenhouse with its own hoops). The cheap greenhouse will blow away if you breathe on it practically.

I hope they do well because last year was terrible. I started from seeds last year and got maybe one tomato (and this is from about 50 starts). This time I just bought some starts.
(I feel guilty because I have seeds.)
My apologies for the salty vernacular language; "nonsense" = outdoors pooping facility, for anyone that might be interested in purchasing this particular variety. : )
We planted four roma tomato plants in the garden today and one grape tomato plant in a pot on the back deck. Last year we did six roma tomatoes and had more than we could use! We made sauce, but we were still over run. I can't wait for the tomatoes to ripen this summer!

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