What kinda crushed pepper do I give them for the "increased laying"?

M To The Maxx

10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
I told my mom about it and she said she would get some but she wanted to know what kind. Also she said she had this stuff:



Is this okay to use or do I need to get an actual pepper and crush it up? Also do you give your chickens the crushed pepper in with your other food or what? Thanks for any info!
After I heard this advice I just tossed a bunch of roasted peppers out for the chooks to see what would happen. I got 10 eggs the next day!! Considering I thought I only had 9 layers....

I'm not helpful - but really, I think it's just the capscian in the peppers that does it - so any pepper should theoretically work.
Ive just been using ground red pepper, its a powdery consitency. bought a pound of it from www.myspicesage.com and mixed it with the crumbles until it turns them rusty colored. There is quite a debate on the merits (or not) of using pepper. You will find folks who say it increases egg production and keeps internal parasites like round worms at bay, and you will find those that say it does absolutly bubkus. I have no idea about either. Im going to use it for a while and see what my results are. I do know however, that I have not found any squirels or chipmunks in my chicken feed.. this makes me happy
This is very interesting for me. I just got hens recently and have been actually avoiding giving them spicy food!

We eat with a lot of chillies, pepper and other spices in our household but I have actually been rinsing things like rice or beans/lentil scraps before giving them to chickens. Or in many cases throwing them away because I thought they would be TOO spicy.

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