What kinds of chickens do I have?


6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
Most of our chickens were "rescued" from people that didn't want them anymore, so I don't know what kinds I have. Any help is appreciated. Our rooster, Ginger, is the frizzled bantam (we were surprised when she turned out to be a rooster!)

Most of our chickens were "rescued" from people that didn't want them anymore, so I don't know what kinds I have. Any help is appreciated. Our rooster, Ginger, is the frizzled bantam (we were surprised when she turned out to be a rooster!)Mix breed

ee also called easter egger

black sex link
red sex link

black sex link and a mix breed on top

mix breed

mix breed and your rooster might be a cochin

black sex link
Most of our chickens were "rescued" from people that didn't want them anymore, so I don't know what kinds I have. Any help is appreciated. Our rooster, Mix, maybe with some Salmon Faverolle or Easter Egger.

Easter Egger

Black Sex Link
Red Sex-Link

Easter Egger, Black Sex-Link

Easter Egger

Cochin/Serama or Japanese bantam mix, Easter Egger

Black Sex-Link
Last edited:
Most of our chickens were "rescued" from people that didn't want them anymore, so I don't know what kinds I have. Any help is appreciated. Our rooster, Ginger, is the frizzled bantam (we were surprised when she turned out to be a rooster!)Mixed breed, possibly with some Faverolles somewhere in her ancestry.

Easter Egger.

Black Sex-Link (also known as Black Star)
Red Sex-Link (known by other names, too, like Red Star, Cinnamon Queen, etc.)

Bird in back: Easter Egger. Bird in front: Black Sex-Link or possibly a Black Copper Marans.

Easter Egger.

Black Sex-Link.
Most of our chickens were "rescued" from people that didn't want them anymore, so I don't know what kinds I have. Any help is appreciated. Our rooster, Ginger, is the frizzled bantam Mixed Breed

Easter Egger

Black Sex Link
Red Sex Link

Easter Egger (on left), Black Sex Link (on right)

Easter Egger

Frizzle Cochin (on left), Easter Egger (on right)

Black Sex Link

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