What kinds of pets do you have?


11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Norwich, Norfolk, UK
Here is my list:
6 adult rabbits (English Spot, New Zealand, Mini-Rex, Rex) and 6 kits (Mini-Rex/Rex cross)
6 sugar gliders (1 breeding pair, one mother and son temporary pair, and 2 joeys)
1 domestic mouse
1 wild mouse
2 bearded dragons
1 rescued ball python
1 red tegu
1 catfish
1 brim (evil fish!)
a few mollies and creek guppies (with babies on the way)
1 crazy cat
and 25 chicks will be added to the mix on March 13th.

I've had nearly everything that stays small, and some lizards that don't stay so small.

The two "coolest" pets I've ever had were #1 a male savannah monitor aptly named Trouble, and #2 a male veiled chameleon named Frank.

The most rewarding pets I've ever had are the sugar gliders, especially the ones that I was privileged to rescue. They are extremely intelligent creatures and extremely silly.

So, what about you?

Emily in NC

PS – In the past, I’ve had mice, rats, gerbils, spiny mice, degus, pygmy mice, corn snakes, rat snakes, ribbon snakes, garter snakes, various geckos, tree frogs, dogs, anoles, crawdads, freshwater shrimp, and a baby robin.
Wow you have a lot of pets!
I have...
1 Nigerian Dwarf Doe
1 Pygora Buck
4 cats (2 barn are barn cats)
1 Shiba Inu
3 ducks
Lots of chickens and bantams.
Getting a pony this weekend...if all goes well.
Here's my list...

3 dogs( 4 yr old Australian Cattle Dog, Aussie, 2 yr old Border Collie, Patches, 4 month old Staffordshire Terrier, Bella)
4 cats(Jasper, Darcy, Baby, Toes)
1 Cotswold Sheep(Chester)
30+chickens outside
3 ducks outside
13 ducks in the brooder
25 chicks in the brooder(out of 44)
50+chicks on their way from MMH and maybe a few from ideal.

Not alot but the list is sure to grow

well my list is not very long ( hopefully that will change

I have 4 boxers ( Wally, Daisy, Abbey, Gypsy )
1 beagle/basset mix ( Dixie )
1 teenie weenie ( Lucy )
1 rescued Quaker parrot ( Paulie )
1 peached faced lovebird ( Cupid )
3 ducks ( Afflac, Frodoe, ebony )
16 hens
1 rooster

5 - duck eggs in the bator

Here are my critter's......

4 dogs ( 2 Rott's, rat terr. and Min Pin)
9 cats ( some mine, some stray's)
1 bearded dragon ( Leroy)
2 Pygmy goats ( Jill and Bell)
3 rabbits ( min rex and 2 dwarfs)
Guppies,1 catfish, neon's, 1 zibra fish, and 1 beta
8 big chickens ( RIR)
19 fluffy butts in brooder ( 2 wk old EE's and RIR's)
24 BR egg's in one bator
6 polish and 11 Dominques(sp) in the other bator

Oh did I mention my kids........
One Dog
One Cat
One Hampster
Two Frogs
Eight quail in the brooder
Two Rabbits
Five Chickens
A Dozen egg in the bator
Two ducks in the spring
Millie Fluer eggs in a little while
Two pigs in 8 weeks
25 chickens in May
I have 7 cats of my own, 5 foster cats and kittens.

A tank full of tropical fish:
2 angel fish
4 neon tetras
6 fancy guppies
3 mollies
3 platys
1 Chinese algae eater

10 hens:
2 Production Red
1 White Leghorn
1 Black Sexlink
2 Ameracaunas
4 Barred Plymouth Rocks

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