What kinds of pets do you have?

1 outside cat - my inside cat just died of feline leukemia

2 dogs
12 chickens
koi & goldfish
2 visiting possums!!
A couple pyrs (working dogs, not really pets), a newfoundland, a basset, 2 house cats, 3 barn cats, a Patagonian cavy, a rat, a bearded dragon...a beta fish.....and.....ummm....the 30 or so goats, one sheep, chickens, ducks, turkeys, peas, and guineas.

And 15 yr old teenage female....
As my signature line states, I have Charlie (irish wolfhound mix) that is the canine love of my life. I got her as a rescue when she was about 10 months old; she's 9 now. Then there's Jake; all I can say about Jake is...what was I thinking???? Kitty's a good cat. She doesn't like to be petted, but she loves to lick our hands. Billy the goat is adorable and makes me laugh. I don't really count the fish, but I have a 29 gal. aquarium. We're getting ready for my chicks. Hopefully we'll have 23 to start. I might as well count the bobcat hybrid, since I do feed him (her?). He breaks my heart daily. He doesn't belong in the wild world, but he's too afraid to allow himself to become a pet. I keep feeding him and talking to him softly and maybe one day he'll realize he's safe here.
3 dogs (2 danes and one chinese crested)
2 1/2 cats (I share one w/ my mom, and she lives with her)
1 ferret
4 goldfish
1 horse
1 cow
16 goats (8 nigerian,2 nubian,3 alpine,2 boer,1 lamancha)
2 guineas
4 ducks (1 swedish,1 cayuga, and 2 ancona)
several chickens (haven't counted lately so not sure how many, lots of breeds)
2 horses, TB, Simon, QH - Jake
2 GSDs - Sasha & Major
2 turtles - Aldo & Scooter
6 mama cows
4 bulls
2 brand new heifers born Feb 8

1 heifer
3 calves on the way
5 Delaware chicks

coming soon, 2 dairy goats
OKay here it goes....

1 Cat we got from TSC
2 Labradors
1 siamese fighting fish
12 adult hens
6 pullet chicks**coming soon**
15+ Cortunix quail**coming soon**


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