What left overs are safe for chickens?

Mine get all my vegetable/fruit scraps as well as anything in the garden that's gone to seed. They love lettuce! They also get pasta and egg shells and stale bread. I haven't tried anything meat or dairy related.
Mine get just about anything we have, as long as its not moldy or gone bad etc, or high in salt. They get table scraps fresh fruits, meats, carbs etc. I don't have to worry about waste too much in this house

Everything else is fair game tho....but then again my hubby doesn't like a lot of salt, so we tend to eat low salt anyway most of the time.I don't give them the microwave popcorn tho.... just the non seasoned stuff. Who knows what that stuff is in the bag that flavours them...
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I don't give garlic because the eggs actually have tasted "garlicky" (ughh!) But I give just about anything else except for meat products. I feed "vegetarian" and allow my hens to free range for insects, which naturally supplements thier diet. However, many other people give meat to thier flocks. My birds will not eat mushrooms of any kind, no matter how I try to disguise them (interesting). They love fruit and green veggies.
Been feeding my hens everything from leftover lasagne to old hamberger(cooked, but not spoiled, just too old to eat) for years, and of course anything that I would throw in the compost pile.( My compost pile is non-excistant now though)
My eggs are the tastiest eggs, and everyone who buys them can't wait to get more! I also feed them dog food in the can, or dog kibble at times(mainly in the winter) when I run out of layer hen crumbles. I live in southern Oregon, we have very cold, snowy winters, and my chicken have never been sick. I have given them some antibiotic a couple of times in their water to make sure that they didn't have a upper respiritory when I got some new chicks. I introduced 20 new chicks a month ago, and so didn't want the old hens (4 years) to have something that they could have given the chicks.
I think one reason my chickens are so healthy is because we have 2 of the heartiest breeds Barred Rock, and Roade Island Reds. I am weeding out the Reds, as they are too aggressive. They pick at the Barred Rocks feathers. I love my Barred Rock chicks, they are my pets, where the Reds are skiddish, and jumpy, and mean. I have 3 reds left, and when my chicks start layeing they are going to be dog food! The Barred Rock chickens are a tough breed, they go out in the snow in the winter, and love it! I think getting a tough breed verses a "cute" chicken is paramount to having a healthy flock!
It's probably easier to list a couple things that I avoid because they get almost all the leftovers. Avoid raw potato peels, avacado and sweets.
How come avoid avocado? The avocado tree is almost next to the mango tree, which the run is under. The squirrels love it - why not chix?

I feed almost all leftovers to my chix. Or I should say, what the dogs don't get! They LOVE to get anything with protein in it - it takes a lot of protein to lay eggs - they love fish, chicken, beef, egg yolks, etc. And fruit, especially watermelon peel. Offer they whatever you have - they'll either eat it or not. Sometimes if the chix are young, you have to teach them how to eat things other than the crumbles. But once they get the hang of it, watch out! All you have to do is step outside the door and get swarmed by hungry chickens!

The leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain Persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Birds and rodents are especially sensitive to avocado poisoning, and can develop congestion, difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation around the heart. Some ingestions may even be fatal.

...from the ASPCA website
I've heard it was bad juju, too, however, I could never keep my emu from eating the leaves....they LOVED it! But I know they have a digestive system to be envious. Had a couple eat some oleander and outside of weakening and off stool, they were fine. As soon as I discovered where they were getting it from I got the source removed (neighbor wasn't happy, but I don't love them like I love my birds.

Anyway, my birds have all been raised under the leaves of avo trees and I've never had any problems. Sometimes they know what they can and cannot eat.

BTW, I give mine EVERYTHING. Had some leftover Costco Pizza today, to include sausage & peperoni.

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