What little things make you happy?

My daughters giggle.
The sun coming up on the cold winter day I am in the deerstand.
The sound and smell of the ocean.
Knowing I have been blessed by God and he will always be there.
Having the right to be free and to be me.
Taking care of my animals and family
Having a sweet little face look up and say, "Nana"?
An unexpected hug from hubbo.
Hearing hubbo refer to me as "Dollface". Even though my boys think it is the Chucky doll.
Just watching chickens being chickens.
Feeding seagulls on the beach.
Knowing that whatever I do, and wherever I go, I am highly favored and loved and blessed by my God.
Reaching into the nest and having my fingers fall on a still-warm egg on a cool day. I usually put it to my cheek and smile.

Having one of my boys tiptoe into my room (thinking I'm asleep, I work midnight shift) and planting a soft little kiss on my cheek, then hearing him tiptoe out.

Stopping to get a box turtle off the road and onto the shoulder safely.

A really good "back-scratching."
My soon to be 11 year old DS patting me on the shoulder and saying "i love going place with you, you are so much fun." I know it won't last long, so really really love that.

Early morning Dew and the slight fog that sometimes goes with it.

A clean Alpaca barn.

The newborn little Alpaca Cria at her mom's side and everyone humming over this new little miracle. Even the boys are happy.

My DH feeling good enough to go work around outside even if he moans and groans when the sun sets.

Having enough money to pay the bills.

My dogs that are so glad to see me, even if I don't bring home beef scraps from the mom and pop store I work at in the afternoons.

The fact that God has been so good to me, even when I didn't think he was. I look around me and see dear friends in such sad times, that I know I have genuinely and truly been blessed my whole life.

That I have a home over my head, and pray I always will. It doesn't matter what I live in, as long as I live with the ones I love.

The smell of coffee brewing, and like someone said, the time to have a cup on the porch or wherever.

A clean house. Still working on that one.
- Looking through seed and nursery catalogs and daydreaming.

- Looking through the Betterbee catalog and daydreaming (we're putting up hives next year).

- Seeing a cat lying with its front paws curled under its chest. Four of my five are keeping me company at the moment just like that.

- Watching bees hard at work visiting flowers.

- Sun-warmed tomatoes eaten straight from the plant.

- Frogs and toads. I just love them.

- Picking up my weekly order from our local farm buying club (sort of like a CSA, except that we buy from many different sources and have a really wide variety of products available to us).

- Having my BLRW fly up onto my shoulder to burble in my ear and preen my hair.

- Sitting in the run on a sunny day reading a book on my Blackberry's Kindle app while some of the chickens sit on and around my feet.

- Reading the entries in this thread is making me happy!
~~~my chickens running toward me looking for a treat

~~~when my son curls up with me and says "I love you Mommy!"

~~~Having the Lord in my heart

~~~a fresh tomato sandwich

~~~another fresh tomato sandwich

~~~homemade ice cream

~~~a hot bath

~~~one more fresh tomato sandwich
~looking at the face of my cellphone when it rings and see my daughter's name and picture pop up

~looking through the Vermont Country Store catalogue

~watching the "big girl" hens run toward me when I get to the farm

~walking into the silkie pens, talking to them and having them "talk" back to me...like they're happy to see me

~Walking in the woods in autumn

~cool, rainy days

~the pens right after they are all cleaned, with fresh, clean waterers, etc...

~getting in my car and having it crank up immediately....she's been a good one!

~ hearing "Thanks for the dinner" from hubby, daughter

~sleeping soundly all night

~a cool shower after a long day of working outside in the heat

~butterflies flitting around the flowers

~a cup of coffee with a good friend

~my sweet doggie curling up behind my neck on the sofa
A chicken running on Urgent Chicken Business is a pretty smile worthy event, I have one better!

A fat waddle-y hen jumping to reach low hanging fruit from a tree.....

now That is hillllariuos!!!
A lot of little things.
Being able to do something I like or have some choice in.
Having something good to eat for dinner

Erm... getting compliments? Giving compliments?

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