What little things make you happy?

When my daughter is happy
~When Charolette the chick sits on my shoulder
~When the ducks quack at me for being gone to work all day
~When it rains
~When my husband smiles at me
~When I get my laundry done
~When I bake
~When my daughter calls my husband dad

I know my family loves me, but every now and then you don' have to say anything, it is just a look that you get from your significant other, child or other family member and you know how much hey love you
actualy getting out of the house,living in residential care here means am not funded for outdoor support and rarely get to go outside the door just to feed henny,let alone go to our farm to feed lottie [gorgeous kitteh,mine].

being able to groom our horses or ride jas,havent been able to ride jas for god knows how long now due to a stupid incident which was not own fault in our minibus,got to wait for up to a year to move places before can start seeing jas again.

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