What material for the ground in the run?

Posh Chickens

8 Years
Feb 24, 2011
West Midlands, UK
Okay, I have a 21 X 20 run, and I am extending it so its 40-50 X 20 What should I use on the floor, I was thinking bark, but I don't know if it will work... Will it?! I dunno about sand because it rains here 'all the time..'
The majority of people probably just use dirt for the run floor. You don't HAVE to add anything, unless you get wet spots that need raising. Some add sand. It dries pretty quick, especially if over a layer of pea gravel. Some use bark mulch or pine shavings. Seems kind of expensive to do all of that for a big run.

If you start out with grass, it will become dirt anyway once the chickens eat every drop of green in there.
Exactly, thats what they have done, I was going to use bark, and a square of DE/Sand so they can bath in it, they keep making 'dirt' crators in the ground... So is bark good though?
We put in this completely natural bark. It's fairly big chunks so it takes a while for the ladies to destroy it and the water drains off very well that way. We're also looking at putting in a 'salad bar' as we are expanding the run. Sod with a landscaping log boxing it in with wire over top of it. We're basically just looking at putting in the box and wire and letting the grass grow as it would anyway. Maybe add some clover seed...
I can't say enough about how happy I am that I switched over to sand! I had to cubic yards delivered for a 20 x 12 foot run. It is soo easy to clean, bugs cant live in it and the water drains perfectly. I bought a kitty litter scooper and attached it to a mop handle. I just walk around the run and clean out the poop. Perfectly sterile enviroment now!

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