What minimum age can coturnix be sexed?


Mar 11, 2023
I'll be incubating Coturnix quail eggs soon, and when they hatch what age do they have to be for me to sex them?
Depends on if they are feather sexable or not.

If they are feather sexable around 3 weeks of age

if not most of the time for me its been 6-10 weeks
Needing help. Hatched out a group of coturnix chicks. They are seven weeks old, going on eight. I identified males by watching them crow several weeks ago. Seperated males into pen far away from females. I put one white male from that pen in with a group of 7 hens a couple days ago. He has yet to crow, vent sexing shows no foam. I vent sexed a pharaoh from the same hatch and he’s showing no foam either, but he has a nice red breast and I know each that I put in the male cage was crowing at the time I separated them. Why are they showing no foam when vent sexing? Is it because they have been separated and low testosterone? How long until he gets pumped up to do his job? By the way, the hens aren’t laying eggs yet from the same hatch.
Needing help. Hatched out a group of coturnix chicks. They are seven weeks old, going on eight. I identified males by watching them crow several weeks ago. Seperated males into pen far away from females. I put one white male from that pen in with a group of 7 hens a couple days ago. He has yet to crow, vent sexing shows no foam. I vent sexed a pharaoh from the same hatch and he’s showing no foam either, but he has a nice red breast and I know each that I put in the male cage was crowing at the time I separated them. Why are they showing no foam when vent sexing? Is it because they have been separated and low testosterone? How long until he gets pumped up to do his job? By the way, the hens aren’t laying eggs yet from the same hatch.
as Nabiki said it’s still winter son unless you are giving artificial light they won’t lay and the males won’t show foam and secondly he has been separated from the hens so he is not gonna show foam as he hasn’t been breeding. If your giving light I’d say give him a week till he starts if you are t wait till close to the end of winter.

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