What oil to use on wooden coop?


Dec 1, 2017
Sydney, AU
Hi All,
We have recently purchased a new timber coop and need to paint or oil prior to assembly. We have decided to stain/oil the wood surfaces and I was after recommendations of chicken safe products.
In Australia it seems that Cabot’s Garden Furniture Oil or Cabot’s Exterior Varnish Stain are the most commonly available but it doesn’t say if they are chicken safe of course. Any recommendations welcome.
Ps in Sydney we can get some very hot, sunny and at times humid weather along with torrential rains so we need a product that will penetrate the wood well and we would be looking at a minimum of two coats.

We decided to go with Cabot’s Aquadeck (water based) and applied 2 coats to all interior surfaces and a third for the external exposed surfaces such as the roof and hutch sides.
This was pretty easy to apply to the surfaces and with our very hot summer here in Sydney AU was quick to dry and re-apply the subsequent coats.
I was somewhat sceptical if this product is going to stand up to the test of time and conditions, however the beautiful thing about hindsight is you often think of ways you could have chosen differently or done things somewhat differently. One of these little insights was to use a paintbrush from the start, rather than the applicator sold at the hardware store as getting into tight crevices of a flat-packed run and coop was not going well with the applicator :(
So far the wood looks great and has weathered some heavy rains without evidence of any moisture penetrating into the wood.
We used a full 4L over a medium sized coop/run which cost around AUD80.00
Depending on the life of the stain/oil finish I think if we get 3 years I would be happy for this expense prior to having to be renewed again. If we only get 12 months before it looks like we need a new application, then I think we will restore and paint a solid colour instead. Here’s to 2018 and the next 12 months

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