What on earth is she doing?!


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Peterborough, ON
Yesterday I noticed one of our pullets hanging out in the coop, when I walked into the chicken area the others more or less scattered but she got real low, her wings away from her body a little bit, and RAN ON THE SPOT, no joke, there she is, butt to the ground, her feathers around her bum rather fluffy and spread out, and her wings held just a bit away from her body, and she was RUNNING ON THE SPOT.

Any ideas? They're coming up for 21 weeks, and their crossbreed is typically known to lay 20-24 weeks, she also got real angry when I was rearranging the nestboxes, or guarding at least, she kept squawking at me. She doesn't have a large comb, but it is reddish, there are about 5 of them that hang out in the coop during the day when the others forage through the hay outside, most of them have huge combs or significant ones, hers is the smallest, she's also the oddest acting one LOL. Though they all get real low when I put my hand out.

Just a note... It happened yesterday, and today as well
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I wish I could have gotten a video of it, it was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen, may even have been funnier than the chicken falling off the threshold of the popdoor while sunbathing.
Oh cool! She'll probably be laying soon!!! Here's a 'whooot' of good luck to get her laying....

Go chick go
Go chick go
Go chick go
Go chick go
Go chick go
Go chick go
Go chick go
Ah that is the egg dance...she is getting ready to give you eggs. hehehehehe very cute when they do it for the first time.
Yep, "the squat"...you're the roo and she is going to lay an egg for you soon!!!
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OK, I've heard about the squat, and have seen my hens do it; but what is the reason for it?
Some things they do make sense, others make no sense. This is one of those things I can make no sense out of.

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