What Other Types Of Chickens Can Seramas Breed With?

My friend breeds seramas with malays Serama:
Serama - Wikipedia

Malay Rooster (Page 5) - Line.17QQ.com
Hi I'm just asking. Can seramas breed with other chickens or is it just their own species?

Seramas are the same species as other chickens.
They are just different breeds.

And any chicken breed can breed with any other chicken breed. A small rooster might have trouble mating with a large hen, but many of them manage just fine. And a large rooster might injure a small hen, but many of those pairings do fine too.

So yes, Seramas can breed with other chickens.
It's got to be basically physically possible. My serama rooster couldn't mount my buff Orpingtons for example. And I wouldn't want a large fowl rooster mating a serama hen. He'd probably kill her.

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