What part of the "No Soliciting" do you not understand!

I don't open for strangers.Very rarely I will even bother to go outside to the gate and see who it is and what they want. I really hate it when people PEER into your home through the windows to get you to open the door.If I don't answer go away.
My boss gave me orders to "just hang the H___ up on them!" or get them outside the door and lock it quickly! (Great boss!)
I have my own spiritual beliefs. Don't need someone to try to sell me theirs.

I am not knocking anyone's beliefs. But I agree with this statement by curleit. When I was a younger woman searching for truth, I went to the library and looked up books written by the followers of every religion that I could find. I also asked questions on my own. I didn't need anyone to come find me. I searched people out.

If you are truly happy and content with your beliefs you don't have to go door to door. Your contentment will show in the way that you carry yourself and how you handle problems in your life. Take my word for it, people will ask you questions and your answers can influence them much more positively then bugging them at home, unasked.

I, too, am happy with my faith.
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have you ever considered that maybe one day, on the other side, in the after life, you might wish you had listened to that religious person who knocked on your door?

Uhhhh NO!

We even have door to door catholics in the area! You expect the mormons and the witnesses, but when the 90 year old nun and the equally aged priest knock on the door....

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