What percentage of chicks normally make it?


In the Brooder
Feb 14, 2017
In my first attempt at any kind of poultry, 2.5 weeks ago I bought 28 day old (or so) chicks from a breeder I found locally on craigslist. I am down to 19 today. I expect to make some mistakes as I learn, but this seems like a high loss rate. No idea if these guys are horribly inbred or something. I have done all the stuff one is supposed to do, although I have shied away from medicated feed on general principal. Is my loss rate unusually high? Maybe I am doing something wrong? We plan to try incubating some mail-order eggs next to add to the flock and hopefully learn the process.
It is unusual. I got 45 chicks from a hatchery through the mail and only lost 3 so far, and they were weak to begin with so I think everyone else will make it.

Are you offering chick grit? What are you using for bedding? Are you adding electrolyotes to the water?
Yes, I am offering chick grit. Bedding is aspen shavings changed regularly. Have never heard of adding electrolytes to the water.

I have no doubt that a few of the losses are my not knowing what I am doing.
Nope, have not contacted the breeder. Only just dawned on me that this might be out of the ordinary. I probably will just source my birds from elsewhere in the future.
You are referring to quail chicks, correct? What are you feeding them? What is the current temperature of the brooder? What are you using for a heat source?
You are referring to quail chicks, correct? What are you feeding them? What is the current temperature of the brooder? What are you using for a heat source?

Yes, coturnix quail chicks. I started feeding 18% protein chick starter because I could not find game bird starter. Then I found a 22% protein meat bird feed and switched to that. I just found out that a local store carries a 24% game bird starter, so I will get some of that and switch to it. Knowing that I have been under the recommended protein level I have been supplementing with dried mealworms all along.

I am using a 250 watt bulb for a heat source with a red bulb. Don't know the brooder temp, but have kept the lamp low enough that they are not huddling up from the cold or complaining.

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