What Predator Leaves nothing but a piece of a foot?

i use to think that way too. never know if something made a tunnel somewhere. is it roofed in and concreted in? I use to have a raccoon that found 1 spot that wasn't clamped down and would squeeze through. it also could be a pesky 2 legged fox. i would try to set up a trail cam
I have had plans for a trail cam for a while now. Now I need to take time out and do it. Need to know what size trap to get. I will deal with it. It was a Dark Cornish pullet that I don't have many off that I lost. I'm not in a good mood to put up with thieves.
i ended up putting locks on my pen because of a 2 legged fox taking eggs. but it also could just be a crafty animal. a weasel with a tunnel or a coon that found the 1 spot not concreted down
The first thing I looked for was tunnels. None. No way to get in unless a snake. A snake wouldn't leave a 3 toes and a bit of shank. The pullet was 19 weeks old so it was a larger predator I would think. I have 8 hoop houses and this is the first attack of any kind.
I found just 3 toes on a short piece of a foot laying by the coop door on the outside. There was no sign of an entry into the coop and no feathers anywhere. I'm at a loss for what could and would do this.
Oh no, so sorry. Maybe fox or bobcat? I don’t know that an owl would do that.
Can you place a game cam in the area? Whatever did it is likely to return.
The pullet may have just been caught in the coop and had no way to flee during the day. They will go inside for feed and water but mostly stay out free ranging. The Dark Cornish and Jersey Giant flock despises living in a coop even at night. The run for the back 40 as soon as the door gets opened in the mornings.
There is no way a predator could get into a sealed with hardware cloth and tin type roofing material. I found it in the afternoon while when I went out to put the gang to bed. There is just a walkway in front of the coop door. What ever did this did it in broad open daylight. If what ever took the carcass away left the toes... Makes no sense, no rhyme or reason to it all.
There is no way a predator could get into a sealed with hardware cloth and tin type roofing material. I found it in the afternoon while when I went out to put the gang to bed. There is just a walkway in front of the coop door. What ever did this did it in broad open daylight. If what ever took the carcass away left the toes... Makes no sense, no rhyme or reason to it all.
i use to think that way too. never know if something made a tunnel somewhere. is it roofed in and concreted in? I use to have a raccoon that found 1 spot that wasn't clamped down and would squeeze through. it also could be a pesky 2 legged fox. i would try to set up a trail cam

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