what sex and breed please

Can you please tell me the sex and breed I am brand new to the chicken world.
[/URL]Silver Laced Wyandotte mix, pullet.

They are 10 weeks old this one has very small light red comb

This is patches very shy also Hatchery Silver Laced Wyandotte or SLW mix, pullet.

This is chicken little
Probably another Silver Laced Wyandotte mix. Feathering/shape appear pullety in this photo, but the redness of the comb is making me guess cockerel. A good side-profile and head photo would help be sure of gender.
This one has small pale red comb friendly

This is fluffy friendly yellow feathery feet This bird and your other white birds all look like Brahma mixes to me. Except for comb, they resemble White Cochins; however, Cochins have single combs and your birds have pea combs.

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