What sex are my Bourbon Red turkeys? (almost 11 weeks)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 1, 2013
Western Washington
They were hatched April 14th/15th and are now almost 11 weeks. From looking at other's video and photos I think perhaps 4 Females? But I am holding out hope. The gal we bought them from at 5 weeks was guessing 2 pair... That sure would be nice!! Thanks for your input!!

Hard to tell when they're on the perch at night with their neck feathers drawn up, we can't see caruncle development easily.

I think you may have two pairs, though if you want to breed them you may have issues if they're siblings, as inbreeding has been a massive issue with turkeys around here as they're already too inbred to go any further, but it may be different where you are.

The two on the ends in that rear view image look larger than the others. Toms generally start getting larger pretty quickly, unlike chooks where males and females tend to stay about the same until after the hen hits her adult height, when the roos keep going.

Best wishes.
Thank you so much for the reply- My mistake... thought it would be easier if they were all lined up and in the same position. LOL. Here are some from today. I hope there are some good enough photos to be judging gender... here they are:

Hi JoBoHomestead!
I'd love to see photos of your birds as well!! How do they look in comparison to the ones I have?

I am going to try to link to a page I found (it is a BYC page, but I searched the internet for 11 week old bourbon reds and that is how I came upon it) I think you will find it interesting that the featured birds are 4 days away from being 3 months (basically I have a week to go before by birds are the same age) I'm not sure mine are going to change that much in a week but we shall see!! https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/204078/bourbon-red-turkey-sexes/10

Good Luck!!
JoBoHomestead- indeed, they do look much like mine!! Did they hatch about April 17? :) Mine were April 14.... Is that a darker breasted BR just out of the screen to the left?? I'm thinking those two featured in the shot are girls, but it shall be revealed in the days to come! Do you have a guess?

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