What sex are my BR chicks?


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
I got three BR chicks and I am sincerely hoping they are pullets! I know nothing though. This forum is so great!
I think they are in the 6-7 week range. I hope this pic thing works...


The[/URL] one below is the one that was hiding in the back in the other pic.

I think you have too many brackets at the begining and end.You need to load them to photobucket and then copy and paste the image file.
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Let's try this again. Here they are, the two in front are easier to see:


This is the one that was hiding in the back.


Any ideas??? Thanks!
Actually all the legs kinda look the same (ha from me the expert... not). Should I be looking for the darker coloring?

I tried the experiment where you wave a hat over them, supposedly boys will stand up and girls will crouch. Mine ran. Hmmm.
I'm here! That yellowish lighting is making it hard to tell their coloring, actually. They do seem to be pullets, but I can't say for sure unless you take pics in a more natural light. The combs are very girly-looking. By six weeks, my BR cockerels have much larger combs and wattles usually.
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