
May 23, 2022
HI! I am hoping maybe I can figure out what sex these cuties are? they are 6 or 7 weeks old at this point, is it even possible to tell at this age? I took a guess Dolly is the blue Swedish and Dre is the white crested sorry the photos are not better its hard to get photos of them out of the pool!


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Sounds like you most likely have a pair.
Thank you I sure hope so! They are very bonded to each other its pretty cute I am still working on getting them to like me though I have heard that takes time. At what age can you normally tell for sure?
HI! I am hoping maybe I can figure out what sex these cuties are? they are 6 or 7 weeks old at this point, is it even possible to tell at this age? I took a guess Dolly is the blue Swedish and Dre is the white crested sorry the photos are not better its hard to get photos of them out of the pool!
Does Dolly normally stand tall like that? She might be a blue runner instead
Does Dolly normally stand tall like that? She might be a blue runner instead
Yes, she stands tall I was told when I got her that she was a blue Swedish I got them at TSC so she could defiantly be different then they told me, I have questioned it because in the photos I have seen of them she does not look like a Blue Swedish her body shape is different then what I have seen in photos thank you for the info! Had to come back and edit: I just Googled photos of Blue runners I think you are exactly right!!! She has the spots like the blue runner and stands just like them!
Thank you I sure hope so! They are very bonded to each other its pretty cute I am still working on getting them to like me though I have heard that takes time. At what age can you normally tell for sure?
Usually 3 months you will for sure hear the difference in their quacks/sounds. Drake's will also get a Drake curl around when they sexually mature.

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