What sex are we? UPDATED!.. 9 weeks old now....page 2 post #17

Thanks for the replys. Im also leaning towards what your saying.

None of them have started crowing that we have noticed so far. If we did have 3 roos, would only one crow because they are the *top dog* kinda thing?
Glad to see another Aussie here.
Hey guys, well we can confirm for you that Jet and Tilly are roos. Both started crowing the last couple of days, mainly Jet very early in the morning when the sun starts appearing.
Yoko we are certain is a boy just havent had any proper crowing yet.

Soooo 2/5 isnt that bad, could have been all roos hehe.

That just leaves us to find homes of them. Any Perth peeps here have room for a roo or two? They are all gorgeous, especially Tilly ( or male equivalent, havent thought of one yet).

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