What sex you think ?

There are other behaviors that can be useful in identifying the sex of a guinea but they also require the guineas to be adults and paying attention to their behavior.

Hens will look straight at you, cocks will look at you from the side as they sidle around you.

In adult pairs, the cock will lay down and the hen will wander in a circle around him.

The cock will stand erect keeping a lookout when his hen is on her nest unless he happens to have other hens to attend to.

Adult guineas can be vent sexed if you know what you are looking for. The physical difference of their sexual anatomy is most pronounced when the hens are laying eggs.

When hens are laying or about to begin laying, their "bustles" will be raised. The cocks will have a smooth back line while the hen's back feathers will appear to be elevated above their wings to the rear of their body. This look only occurs to hens and only when they are laying or about to begin laying. The rest of the year their back lines will appear normal just like the males.

Hey ! Thank you, Really great advice you seem like you know a thing or two about guineas lol. Props to you for sure you really help people out :) I've deftinley used some of the above examples to define the sexes and am pretty sure I have 3 pairs; Plus I saw the white one try to mount the newer purple one I exchanged for that was not in the pic above. So I have 3 buckwheaters and 3 shrills which is exactly what I was hoping for yay ! ☺☺

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