What shanpoo can you use for washing a silkie?


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
My silkie has poop matted all in her feathers from everyone pooping on her so she needs a bath. I could cut it out but the poop was all mushy and wet that it just ew. So she needs a bath and I cant figure out what shampoo she needs ir can be used on her. She will be staying inside once bath is done
Use the original Blue Dawn. I use 3 small totes. 1 with a bit of soap, like dishwater, to soak, and get the bird clean. 2. with a little bit of vinegar (tsp. per 1.5 - 2 gallons of water, to rinse off the soap residue, and restore pH balance. 3. plain water to finish rinsing everything off really good.
is white vinegar okay?
If you have not done this before, it's not overly difficult. Test the water on your wrist, like you would for a baby. Comfortably warm, but not too warm. In a couple minutes, the chickens tend to relax, and settle down. By the time you get to the last rinse, they are enjoying it. When you get finished with the last rinse, wrap them in a dry towel, and set them down. They'll look sort of like a little burrito, laying there all wrapped in their towel.
My silkie has poop matted all in her feathers from everyone pooping on her so she needs a bath. I could cut it out but the poop was all mushy and wet that it just ew. So she needs a bath and I cant figure out what shampoo she needs ir can be used on her. She will be staying inside once bath is done

I use normal human shampoo .. herbal one with some good herbs
I had gentle oatmeal, lavender, tea tree shampoo, all natural from the health food store, meant for irritated skin, and I used that on this poor chicken I rescued, she was covered in mites. I got her wet with lukewarm water in the bathtub then lathered her up, letting it sit on her while rubbing, so when I gently rinsed her with a hand held shower, all of the nasty mites went down the drain, too. I lathered her up 3x to be sure, then rinsed very well, wrapped her in a towel then while sitting on bathroom floor dried her on low with my hair dryer set to low warm. She loved it! Closed her eyes as I fussed and fluffed over her! She didn't have a single mite left on her. I set her up that night to sleep in a big Tupperware storage bin half filled with fresh wood chips in the bathroom. She nestled & hunkered right down. That was a few years ago, she is still a mite free fluffy butt now. I love her! This is Chanel, my sweetie.


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If you have not done this before, it's not overly difficult. Test the water on your wrist, like you would for a baby. Comfortably warm, but not too warm. In a couple minutes, the chickens tend to relax, and settle down. By the time you get to the last rinse, they are enjoying it. When you get finished with the last rinse, wrap them in a dry towel, and set them down. They'll look sort of like a little burrito, laying there all wrapped in their towel.
Thank you. This would be my "second" time but the first was really a bath because we used the bathroom sink which isnt deep so as soon as the faucet turned on she jumped out and then we just took a washcloth to her and cleaned her in spots but this time since shes got poop ALLL over her it's time for an actual bath.
I had gentle oatmeal, lavender, tea tree shampoo, all natural from the health food store, meant for irritated skin, and I used that on this poor chicken I rescued, she was covered in mites. I got her wet with lukewarm water in the bathtub then lathered her up, letting it sit on her while rubbing, so when I gently rinsed her with a hand held shower, all of the nasty mites went down the drain, too. I lathered her up 3x to be sure, then rinsed very well, wrapped her in a towel then while sitting on bathroom floor dried her on low with my hair dryer set to low warm. She loved it! Closed her eyes as I fussed and fluffed over her! She didn't have a single mite left on her. I set her up that night to sleep in a big Tupperware storage bin half filled with fresh wood chips in the bathroom. She nestled & hunkered right down. That was a few years ago, she is still a mite free fluffy butt now. I love her! This is Chanel, my sweetie.
Aweee. I was told by family that I'm not allowed to rescue chickens off the side of the road. Mostly because there owners let them wander so one was digging by the road and I really wanted to. Lol this has nothing to do with the thread just. Story i had to tell haha

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