What Should Humidity Percentage Be???

With my Coturnix I keep temp at 99.5 F - 101.00 F and humidity around 77 and turn 3 times a day and incubate for 18 days and stop turning on day 15, and i have great hatches with this method.
Thank you, Valley....I have read so many conflicting opinions, was scared to death. Of course I know everyone's situations may differ a bit....Now, do I leave the humidity levels the same during lockdown??? I've got 39 eggs that look great, lots of veins and movement, and I don't want to mess it up, as seems things are looking good. My humidity had been around 75, and then I read somewhere that it needs to be 60, and somewere else that it should be between 65 and 75....so, I figured I'd go between, and cross my fingers. But if 77 works for you, then maybe I was on the right track staying around 75 to begin with. This is my first batch of quails to incubate, so have been trying to do a lot of research. Guess I will just learn as I go. Again, thanks for the info.
Sounds good just lock um down let it roll let us know how they turn out on hatch day
Not to muddle things up, and don't change a thing at this point in the game, but I incubate the same as chickens... 99.5°F forced air temp, and ~ 45-50% humidity for the first 14 days. I move them to the hatcher, and increase the humidity a little, but I rarely see it over 65% and have great hatches. Of course, I really don't pay any attention to the actual numbers. I have a pan of water in the incubator for the incubation period, then put a wick in it to increase the humidity for lockdown, but I don't stress over the percentage. As long as the incubator isn't dripping wet, you should be fine. I've missed eggs before, and had quail hatch in the turner in a bone dry incubator...
so don't sweat it.
I have mine in a hovabator 1588 (forced air with a fan). I don't add any water to it this time of year, the room humidity is about 60% most days, inside the bator is about 35-40%.

Temps should be 99.5 for a forced air incubator, 101.5 for a circulated (still) air incubator. Humidity around 50% for incubation, but I've been having good luck with 'dry' hatching them. Humidity for hatch at least 50%.

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