What should I do? Candling egg problems


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Fort Worth
It is day five of incubating my Ameraucana eggs. I candled them this morning and didn't see any spider-like veins, only a dark circle where the yolk should be that was rolling inside the eggs when I moved it. Also, on the yolk was a dark red spot. Is it blood? If so, what causes it so I won't do it again? Should I toss the eggs and get new ones? Or wait and see what happens?
Thank you!
I would wait and try not to worry. I usually dont candle my eggs until day 9-10.

Dont loose hope just yet!
what are you using for candeling? Are you doing it in a dark room? For some people it is hard at first until they get the hang of it or if the eggs are dark...

If you are fairly experienced though...sounds like duds...sorry...

if you aren't experienced...I would give it a bit more time....

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