WHAT SHOULD I DO?....evey day another hen is attacked by one of my roosters!

azygous, thank you for your kind words and advice! I have managed to re-home one young roo, and am trying to re-home the other and then I hope I will have things under control...I hope.
kkelsh14. It is nice to know that I don't suffer alone (though you went through something far worse I think and I am sorry for that
). We have a new routine at our house, I let the dogs out a t 7 a.m. (too dark for the chooks to come out), the dog's free run and then they come in for breakfast, at which time I let the chickens out of their coop (there is a coop with a run) and they free range until sunset at which time they put themselves to bed. The dogs get let out again in the morning (the bloodthirsty one gets tied up the two small ones are loose as they are smaller than most of the chickens). The roosters are in a pen built below the coop (the coop is built up off the ground so there is room underneath this is the spot I put my chicks in when they are ready to go outside from the brooder) as you can see in this picture. As far as training goes, I thought I had that covered (the chicken killing only happens when I am at work and my husband is home...I think the husband needs more training)!

HI, so sorry to here about our big boy doing that with the chickens, my heeler Reno still is good but young and likes to herd them to much so we are always watching... sounds like you are getting things all right and things will work out... if you haven't found a home for the chickens you need to just let me know,, as I had to re home a couple too... hope everything else is going well... Kristin

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