What should I give to my chickens at 90 F temperature?

That's a really good idea! I had ice set up in front of fans the last heat wave we had in May. 95 degree temps are predicted for the weekend so I think I will go get some ice blocks.

I run the fan on top of their run (we used a old two-layer deck for the run and coop) to keep the air moving, I cover the west side of their run with a shade and I give them frozen melons. So far all this has worked in those really bad days.
I put a couple of clean kitty litter pans in the coop, fill them 3/4 of the way full of pine chips, and then pour cold water over them. The chicks love getting in there and taking a little wet chip bath. They run around wet and matted looking, but they love it. Just a little warning though - be sure to change out the wet chips at the end of the day. They get stinky if you leave them too long.

I take the bottles left from gallons or qts of juice and freeze water then put it in the little chickie coop. They love it. They pick at it and they lay on them and when they can't push someone off they lay up against them. I don't put them out in the coops till it gets over 92 and by the afternoon I have to replace them.
I put ice in the water containers with the electrolytes and vits. I am so spoiled to AC and I feel bad for them out there in the 100 degree heat panting.
A nice shady spot to dust bathe and lots of clean water. Honestly, my girls do really well with the temps we've had around here this summer of up to 100 degrees with high humidity (it's a cooker out there right now)

As long as they have some good shade and clean water, they've done just fine. I'm sooooo glad i put the run out where there are trees in the yard. They get under the tree shade and take non-stop dust baths. I guess it's like us turning the pillow to the cool side when they get in the dirt and dig around to a cooler spot.

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